Fundamentals of C Language

                                                Introduction of C Language

Q.1. Write a note on # (Preprocessor).
  Ans:-    1)                     # include<stdio.h>
                                                Standard Input Output Header File
          2)                    # include<conio.h>

                                                Console Input Output Header File
            Preprocessor tells the compiler to include the input output related functions into our program which are stored in stdio.h header file and conio.h header file.
1)   <Stdio.h> Standard Input Output Header File is header file or library file.This library file contain various input output related functions which are used in program. The functions like printf( ),scanf( ).
2)   <conio.h> Console Input Output Header File is used to include the console input output related functions into our program.The functions like clrscr( ),getch( ).
Q.2) What is void ?
 Ans:- void is our   not return type which tells the compiler the main( ) function cannot return any value. The void keyword always written before the main( ) function. Simple meaning of void is null or empty. Its our data type.
Q.3) What is main( ) function?
Ans:- main( ) is a our main method or function which execute the set of statements which are written inside the main( ) function. A program has at least one main( ) function.

4) Delimeter ( { } ) :-

                                          Delimeter are used to show the beginning and ending of the program. It’s also used for group of statements. Delimeters are written after the main( ) function.
5) clrscr( ) :-
                    It is called clear screen function which is used to clear the console (Output)
6) Sentence Terminator ( ; ) :-
                                                 In program each line is called a statement or a sentence.To use terminate the sentence. We can use sentence terminator which is called a semicolon.
7) printf( ) :-
                     It’s our output function or method which is used to print the results on our console screen.
8) Escape Seqence:-
                                 It is written as \n and is used for new line.
9) getch( ):- ( get character function )
                                                                getch( ) is our input function which takes input from the ures. It stay our output till the user pressess any key from the keyboard.